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MAY 23, 2022


The Mystic Valley Area Branch of the NAACP is deeply distressed by the recent act of domestic terrorism in Buffalo, NY, that took the lives of ten African Americans, many of them elders in their communities. While buying groceries at a local supermarket, they were shot dead by a young white man, steeped in ideologies of white supremacy. The victims of this horrific act are Ruth Whitfield, 86; Pearly Young, 77; Katherine Massey, 72; Heyward Patterson, 67; Celestine Chaney, 65; Geraldine Talley, 62; Aaron W. Salter, 55; Andre Mackniel, 53; Margus D. Morrison, 52; and Roberta Drury, 32. Their deaths are a tragic and heartbreaking loss to their families and to their communities. We remember them and stand in solidarity with their families and communities.


Racially motivated political violence grounded in toxic white nationalism is on the increase, posing threats to us all. The roots of white supremacy are deeply embedded in this country, and this recent act of senseless violence and death reveals that it continues to threaten the fabric of our society. This is nothing short of a national emergency and demands a loud and clear effective response. We call on everyone and on government at all levels to take measures to stop the spread of toxic racist beliefs, to limit the availability of firearms, and to declare white nationalism a national security threat. To this end, we urge everyone to support NAACP’s national Plan to Address the Spread of Domestic Terrorism.






Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. Established in 1977, The Mystic Valley Area Branch's roots lie in the work of civic leaders from the West Medford community.

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