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Local School Bans Braids and Extensions

The NAACP, Mystic Valley Branch, recently received a complaint from the Cook family of Malden, MA regarding disciplinary actions that the Mystic Valley Charter School is taking against their twin daughters, Maya and Deanna. The disciplinary actions imposed on the Cook twins relates to a code of conduct policy restricting braids and extensions worn as a hair style. The Branch takes its role seriously and aims to gather information about the dispute between the parties and hopefully bring them to amicably and permanently resolve legitimate concerns of students of color. The Branch feels that any school policy that restricts hair styles culturally connected to primarily Black students is discriminatory and violates federal anti-discrimination laws. The Branch intends to ask the school’s Interim Director, Alex Dan pointed questions about how this code of conduct regarding hair styles has been enforced over the past many years. At the conclusion of our investigation, it is our hope that all parties can agree on a fair solution moving forward.

Check out Congresswoman Clark's letter in support of the cook girls and advocacy on their behalf.

Here's the branch's press release.

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